Leonardo Maria Seri

Leonardo Maria Seri

Italian Attorney at Law (Macerata Bar).

Languages: Italian and English

Practice areas

Legal counselling, judicial and extrajudicial assistance, national and international contracts in issues concerning:






domain names

unfair competition

commercial law

laws on innovative start-up and innovative SMEs

new technology law


University of Macerata, five-year single cycle master’s degree in Law, 2013; Part-time Master in Intellectual Property Law, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan.


  • 2016-2022: speaker in seminars on the discipline of Innovative Start-ups at the University of Macerata – Department of Law, as part of the course on Commercial Law; and in 2019 on intellectual property as part of the course on Industrial Property Law.
  • 2017: speaker on copyright and Creative Commons licenses at Toc! Festival;
  • 2017-20121: speaker at seminars on Intellectual Property Law and Innovative Start-up legislation organized by the University of Macerata during the closed-course “LUCI – Humanistic Laboratory for Creativity and Innovation”;
  • 2017-2018: collaboration as a member of the jury and mentor in relation to legal issues at Techstars Startup Weekend in Pavia;
  • 2018: lecturer on Intellectual Property Law and Commercial Law in Professional training courses in web design and web marketing specialist at Dot Academy s.r.l.;
  • 2018: co-rapporteur in webinars on Intellectual Property and internationalisation of companies, for an organisation operating in international trade.
  • 2019: speaker at SMAU Milan 2019 on “IP AND INTERNATIONALISATION: an asset not to be underestimated”.
  • 2020: Speech-interview on the topic of “Trade Marks, Patents and Industrial Property” as part of the project “IT’S BUSINESS TIME – Episode 6” organised as a live webinar by Magaras Business Group and Best Marketing Agency in collaboration with Italian Business Center Pte. Ltd. (www.ibc.sg)
  • 2020: lecture on “License Agreements and Force Majeure” at the Conference “Covid-19 Emergency: the IP Phase – Trademarks and Design Module” held on July 15, 2020 via webinar, organized by AIPPI, in collaboration with the Milan Bar Association (link: https://aippi.it/convegni/emergenza-covid-19-la-fase-ip/). Reported by Sole 24 Ore at: http://www.diritto24.ilsole24ore.com/art/avvocatoAffari/newsStudiLegaliEOrdini/2020-07-17/proprieta-intellettuale-e-salute-pubblica-effetto-covid-19-norme-brevetti-e-marchi-121939.php?refresh_ce=1 and at: https://www.diritto24.ilsole24ore.com/art/avvocatoAffari/newsStudiLegaliEOrdini/2020-07-02/campagna-sensibilizzare-proprieta-intellettuale-the-skill-aippi–122919.php.
  • 2020-2022: lecturer in courses for entrepreneurs at PAVIASVILUPPO – Special Agency of the Pavia Chamber of Commerce.
  • 2020: speaker at the Web Marketing Festival on influencer marketing
  • 2021: lecturer on the topic “Brand awareness of small and medium enterprises in the digital world” within the conference entitled “Digital transition and innovation technology. Economic and legal profiles of opportunities, skills and challenges in the near future – Panel 2: Lines of evolution of the regulation of digital platforms”, organised by the University of Bari
  • 2021: lecturer on the topic “Registration of designs: legislation and assessment of real cases”, on June 30, 2021, with Mr. Michele Papa and Ms. Valentina Ghelardi, for AIPPI Italian Group, within the course “Industrial and intellectual property at the University of Florence. Soft and complementary Skill” – VIII Training Cycle, organised by University of Florence
  • 2021-2022: lecturer on intellectual property in seminars organised by AGAM.
  • 2022: lecturer on intellectual property in seminars organised by UGDCEC.
  • 2021-2022: lecturer in various seminars and roundtables on NFTs and copyright in the art sector, among others in courses organised by Convenia, in seminars and roundtables of University of Macerata, University Ca’Foscari of Venezia, AIDC (Italian Association of Chartered Accountants), Coordinamento Nazionale Lombardo Unione dei Giovani Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili, and at the Biella Digital Summit organized by Unione Industriale Biellese.
  • 2022: lecturer on ‘Litigation in the Metaverse: first experiences and potential infringements’, at the seminar ‘From brand to metabrand: approaching the Metaverse in the phygital era’ organised by Convenia s.r.l. (link: https://www.convenia.it/convegni/dal-brand-al-metabrand-lapproccio-al-metaverso nellera-phygital/).
  • 2022: lecturer on “Understanding trade secrets and the requirements for their protection” as part of the webinar “Learn the art and keep it aside! – Importance and protection of trade secrets and know-how in the era of e-commerce”, organised by the Turin Chamber of Commerce with the Turin Digital Enterprise Point and the Turin Provincial Committee for the fight against counterfeiting
  • 2022: Speaker in the webinar ‘Non-Agricultural Geographical Indications: perspectives of reform’, organised by the Youth Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) – Italian Group.
  • 2023: lecturer in various seminars and roundtables on NFTs and intellectual property rights, among others in courses organised by Convenia, in seminars and roundtables of University of Macerata, UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats, AIGA and UGDCEC and at events among which Blockchain Beach
  • 2023: lecturer in various seminars, events and roundtables on management and planning of intellectual property rights protection within the project and product management activities, organised by ISIPM Italian Institute of Project Management, ISTAO Adriano Olivetti Institute, University of Macerata, SMAU.
  • 2023: Lecturer in the specialisation course “Trademarks in the wine and food sector” organised by ShareCom, from 23 February 2023 to 9 March 2023 (link: https://www.sharecom.it/prodotto/il-marchio-settore-vitivinicolo-alimentare-sharecom/)


  • 2016: author of “Web sites: are you sure that your company is in order?” for L’Arancia (www.larancia.org) project by the National Council of Notaries (direct link: http://larancia.org/siti-web-sei-sicuro-che-la-tua-azienda-sia-in-regola/);
  • 2018: co-author of the editorial article “So far, so close”, published in Aippi news, Year 2018, number 2, of July 25, 2018, of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property – Italian Group (AIPPI), on the topics covered by the conference “Intellectual Property: perspectives from both sides of the Atlantic” held in Milan on June 12, 2018, organized in teams by AIPPI Italy, AIPLA, LES Italy, College-FICPI and AICIPI.
  • 2019: co-author of “Fashion industry between design protection and copyright law: an Italian perspective”, in AA.VV., “Fashion Law – Direito da Moda”, coordinated by Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz Soares, ed. Almedina, 2019 (collective work).
  • 2020:
    • author of “Historical trademarks in Covid-19 times”, on SPRINT – Sistema Proprietà Intellettuale, Sprint Soluzioni Editoriali s.r.l., Coord. Scientifico Prof. Avv. Stefano Sandri;
    • co-author di “Force Majeure Issues: Italy“, within “Force Majeure in the Time of Covid-19. Q&A on laws for compensation and remedies from around the globe“, published on LES Global News June 2020 issues, Licensing Executives Society International.
    • author of “Licensing contracts and force majeure: contracts entered into, renegotiated or renewed during the emergency and possible new containment measures” published in Aippi news, Year 2020, October 6, 2020, by the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property – Italian Group (AIPPI), direct link: https://aippi.it/newsletter/aippi-news-ottobre-2020/;
    • author of “Collective trademark or certification mark? Towards the conversion of the collective mark, under penalty of forfeiture”, on Salvis juribus (ISSN 2464-9775), direct link: http://www.salvisjuribus.it/marchio-collettivo-o-marchio-di-certificazione-verso-la-conversione-del-marchio-collettivo-a-pena-di-decadenza/
  • 2021: author of “If ambush marketing meets the influencer…”, published on the Influencer Marketing Italia blog (www.influencermarketingita.com), link diretto: https://www.influencermarketingita.it/se-lambush-marketing-incontra-linfluencer/;
  • 2022:
    • co-author of the Collective work “NFT. L’arte e il suo doppio. Non fungible token: l’importanza delle regole, oltre i confini dell’arte” edited by Prof. Filippo Annunziata and Avv. Andrea Conso, Montabone publisher, 2021, published also in English version “NFT The other side of art. Non-fungible tokens: taking rules further beyond the edges of art” on April 29, 2022.
    • “NFT e arte: lo stato delle regole su autenticità e diritti d’autore” (“NFT and art: the state of the rules on authenticity and copyright”), Agendadigitale.eu, November 2, 2022 (link: https://www.agendadigitale.eu/cultura-digitale/nft-e-arte-lo-stato-delle-regole-su-autenticita-e-diritti-dautore/).
    • “NFT e mondo dell’arte, come funziona la remunerazione automatica dell’autore” (“NFT and the art world, the automatic remuneration of authors”), Agendadigitale.eu, December 14, 2022 (link: https://www.agendadigitale.eu/documenti/nft-e-mondo-dellarte-come-funziona-la-remunerazione-automatica-dellautore/).
    • “NFT, come proteggere i marchi nel metaverso: il caso della Juventus” (“NFTs, protecting trademarks in the metaverse: the Juventus case”), Agendadigitale.eu, December 22, 2022 (link: https://www.agendadigitale.eu/documenti/nft-come-proteggere-i-marchi-nel-metaverso-il-caso-della-juventus/).
    • co-author of the collective work “NFT in musica” (“NFT in music”), edited by Prof. Annunziata F. and Avv. Conso A., Le Lucerne publisher, 2022
  • 2023: “NFTs in Court: a closer look to the first Italian case”, Aippi international monthly newsletter, March 24, 2023 (link: https://www.aippi.org/news/nfts-in-court-a-closer-look-to-the-first-italian-case/).